A3! Season Spring & Summer (Dub), A3! Season Spring & Summer (Dub)

A3! Season Spring & Summer (Dub)

"Director! Please help us bloom!" In Tokyo, there is a place called Velude Way. It is a district notorious for its performers and theatrical groups. Izumi Tachibana, who was previously a stage actress, arrives with a letter that reads, "Full of debt! Zero customers! Only one actor!" It describes the current state of the once-popular theater group Mankai Company. Her task is to rebuild the company to its former glory as the new owner and chief director.

"Director! Please help us bloom!" In Tokyo, there is a place called Velude Way. It is a district notorious for its performers and theatrical groups. Izumi Tachibana, who was previously a stage actress, arrives with a letter that reads, "Full of debt! Zero customers! Only one actor!" It describes the current state of the once-popular theater group Mankai Company. Her task is to rebuild the company to its former glory as the new owner and chief director.
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Fushimi, Omi
Takatoo, Tasuku
Furuichi, Sakyou
Matsukawa, Isuke
Hyoudou, Juuza


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A3! Season Spring & Summer (Dub)

Music Dub


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